How do I invite users to my company account?

In order for them to join the platform, you must create these accounts from your administrator profile. Follow these steps to do so:

In the "Users" tab you will find the users that have been registered and linked to your company's subscription. You can see the contact information with which each of them has registered. You can invite up to 4 users linked to your subscription.

In order for them to join the platform, you must create these accounts from your administrator profile. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Log in to the admin user of your company account.
  2. Click on the Company Profile tab in the options menu on the left.
  3. Then click on the Users tab.
  4. Click on "Invite user".
  5. Fill in their contact details—name, email address, phone number—and click "Invite user."

The user will receive the invitation in the email address provided. Once they have completed the steps to activate their account, you will have successfully created the user.

If you have any questions or need help during the process, please contact us at