How to post a truck on TenndersFEX

Add your available trucks to TenndersFEX to find the best possible freight partner by following these steps.

Start listing your available trucks on TenndersFEX to find the best possible load partner. It’s very simple, just follow these steps:

  1. Log in with your TenndersFEX account.
  2. Navigate to the "Exchange Boards" section in the menu on the left and click on the "Trucks" tab.
  3. Click on the "Add New Truck" button.
  4. Enter the truck details by filling in all the fields marked with a red asterisk (*). To help you speed up the process, some of these fields are pre-filled by default.
  5. Once you have completed all the required fields, click on the "Publish" button. If any mandatory fields are left incomplete, the system will prompt you to fill them in.
  6. That’s it! Your truck will be listed on the Trucks panel, and you can start receiving offers.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the process, please write to us at