We explain how to use the search filters to find the best results and get the most out of TenndersFEX.
All tag: Here you can see all the loads posted on the Freight panel. It is the default setting.
My freights tag: You can filter your own freights with the tag “My Freights” in the “Freights panel”. To do this, click on the “my freights” button, and all the ones you posted will be displayed chronologically.
Loading and delivery location tags: You can search by country, postal code or city when looking for loading and delivery locations. You can choose the options that best suit your needs and then save them in the form of a tag, which will be available on yourboard every time you access TenndersFEX.
Save filters
You can save your searches as custom tags. To do this you can follow these steps:
1. Click on the “Filters” button
2. Select all your preferences
3. Click on “Save filter”
4. Type the name you want to give it
5. Click on “Save”
In case you want to delete a filter, just click on the “x” next to the filter name and it will be deleted after you confirm it.
Remember! Dates cannot be saved as filters.
We hope this article helps you during your search for loads or trucks. If you have any questions, please write to us at customerservice@tennders.com.